Absorbine – The horse world’s most trusted name, have some excellent products to help you along this summer, to maintain your horses hooves there is the Hooflex Hoofcare range. UltraShield can help provide protection against flies. Finally to help soothe your horse’s joints and muscles after competing on the hard ground Absorbine’s Liquid Embrocation.
Hooflex Hoof Care Range
Protect your horse’s hooves this Summer with Absorbine’s Hooflex® Hoofcare range providing complete hoof care for all conditions. At the heart of the Hooflex® Hoofcare range is the breathable moisture barrier the Hooflex® products create within the hoof, whilst nourishing it and helping it to stay healthy. Hooflex® Frog & Sole Care, with its specially designed applicator reaches deep into the frog to help soothe and eliminate odours in the hoof caused by bacteria and fungi. The liquid formula penetrates the frog and sole tissue and will not sting, stain, or dry the hoof. (RRP £13.50) Use the easy to apply Hooflex® Original Liquid Conditioner that acts as a breathable barrier to maintain the proper moisture balance necessary to keep hooves pliable all year round. (RRP £12.10)
UltraShield Fly Control

The flies are gradually appearing as the days are getting warmer, no horse likes flies so with Absorbine’s UltraShield you can help protect your horse and his environment from being bothered by the flies this Summer. Put an UltraShield brand Fly Mask
on your horse to provide protection against all types of flies, mosquitoes and gnats. It is made from a new super-tough, tear resistant Rip-SheildTM material; the see-through mesh has two adjustable safety-release closures to ensure a good fit.
UltraShield® brand Fly Bonnet with ears is available in small or large, RRP £17.19. To protect against biting insects UltraShield®, is the ultimate insecticide for use around horses. It contains active ingredients Permethrin and Pyrethrin, providing instant “knock-down” when insects come into contact with it, as well as a long lasting protective “shield”. It wouldn’t be a surprise if your horse is also bothered by flies in the stable or field shelter so try spraying the walls of buildings to offer an all-round protection in equestrian premises, stables and barns. Available in 946ml spray, RRP £19.13.
Absorbine Embrocation
Now that summer has arrived and the ground will be drying each day, with any miniscule shower just dampening the dust. During the summer many of us are out competing and, on hard ground, joints and muscles can easily get tired, sore and jarred. Absorbine’s Liquid Embrocation contains a time honoured blend of calendula, Echinacea and wormwood herbs and is ideal for use as a muscle rub on sore muscles, stiff joints and tendons by helping to support circulation before or after work. After finishing your competition with a sweaty horse, Liquid Embrocation can be diluted with water and used as a refreshing body wash, to revitalise your horse. Also available in a gel form, which is quick and convenient to apply to joints and muscles after work. (Liquid 950ml RRP £15.88 475ml £10.80) (Gel RRP £11.70)