This Month's prize was a bottle of Absorbine favourite Refreshmint, great for the Summer Months to cool and refresh your horse.
Lyn has owned the lovely Somethin Special aka Solo for four years. This is only the second time the pair have entered PSO, but Lyn plans to continue to enter as she says "its such a popular show it means more to be placed - and the rosettes are amazing!"

Originally from Holland, the KWPN Solo is by Democrat and is now 12 years old. It hasn't all been plain sailing for the pair, Lyn competed him up to elementary level dressage and all was going well until he suddenly started behaving strangely. "One minute we would be trotting round nicely, then he would just lose the plot, start rearing, and bolting off in a blind panic" said Lyn. They had him checked all over and could find nothing wrong, except they feared he may have kissing spines. So Lyn sent Solo to a specialist vet in Scotland who concluded that Solo had damaged both his hind suspensory ligaments, he had to be on box rest for three months.
Despite fears from the vet that Solo would never compete to the level he was at, Lyn has taken it very slowly and is currently competing at prelim level. She said "I'm not going to push him too much and I'm very careful with what I ask of him but at the moment touch wood he is ok."
Lyn has a busy job in Tesco, this is where the name Somethin Special came from. "I work on the checkouts and as I speak to lots of people and they all know I'm horsey I started asking them all for suggestions of what we could call him! Judges have commented he suits his name very well."
Best of luck to Lyn and Solo from all at Absorbine UK.