Photo-shows.co.uk or PSO as its affectionately known by its members is the worlds premier online horse show. There are classes for champion show horses, ex-racehorses, a much loved family pet or anything in between.
Classes run from the 1st to the end of each month with full size rosettes to 10th place, sashes, trophies and more. With classes costing just £3 to enter, its easy to see why so many people are part of the phenomenon.

New for the February show was the Absorbine sponsored Best Turned Out class. It was a very hotly contested competition but the judges unanimously decided that Sarahn Satalight was the winner.
Karen bought Sarahn Satalight as a three year old from the USA, his breeding is Arabian pony cross Welsh section B. He is by Brampton Sinbad out of Richdale Shantilly. Karen frequently and successfully shows Sarahn Satalight in hand and he also stands at stud via AI each season. Showing victories for this lovely pony include champion led Arabian pony at the Royal Melbourne Horse Show.
Showing in Australia is very different from the UK, Karen says "we travel huge distances to shows, and have known some friends to travel a 7,000 mile round trip to compete at the Australian Championship!" Karen lives in the Otway Ranges area of Victoria where the temprature can get up to 40 degrees celsius in the summer. She owns a total of 13 horses all of which she looks after and trains herself. PSO is Karen's new hobby, at which she says "my beautiful horses have been lucky enough to be extremely successful at, and this is a wonderful and exciting passtime".
Many congratulations to Karen and Sarahn Satalight from all at Absorbine UK, hopefully your Absorbine prize will help make your horses already excellent turnout even better!