Jo Bates, our Absorbine sponsored rider, has had a busy few months and lots of successful outings, along with daughter Holly.
After Harry (Thriller) won the Novice riding Horse class at Windsor he sustained colic two days later and then had to have surgery. Fortunately no gut had to be removed and thankfully he has pulled through. He remained on box rest for a month after he returned from the vets being just hand grazed two or three times a day and then progressed to going out in the paddock for a couple of hours. He has now started going on the walker to start fittening work and then hopefully can be quietly ridden in a couple of weeks.
Daldron Esctacy winning at
Three Counties Show |
Fair and Square (Rex) has been going extremely well. We took him to Area 4b at Newark and Notts showground where he won the small riding horse class and then took the championship. Unfortunately he has missed a couple of shows due to cancellations but we took him to the North of England Summer Horse show in the HOYS riding horse qualifier where he was 2nd in a strong class. At the RIHS his eyes were on stalks but he settled well and went well in his class to be pulled in fifth but unfortunately finished 9th at the end.
I took Daldron Ecstacy to Shropshire Country Spring show on 20th May where he finished 2nd in the large hack class getting his qualification for the RIHS. He was amazing in the deep mud and finished 1st in the large hack class getting his HOYS qualification. He has now been snapped up by John Harvey for Brogan Taverner to ride and I would like to wish them all the success with him. I think we shall be seeing a lot of him filling the top placings!
Polo (Roccaille Etoile) went to the Shropshire Country Spring Festival as his first show and had to compete as a small intermediate show riding type with Holly in the Open section. He took everything in his stride and finished 5th. He has since been sold to Heather King who will compete him in dressage competitions and carry on with some of the showing classes as well.
Daisy also came back to the yard, we took her to the Bath and West for her first show of the season and she finished 2nd in an enormous class, just missing out on her HOYS qualification. She then went on to Midland Counties where she won her class. We took her to the East of England a week later and she won a very large class in muddy conditions and secured her HOYS qualification. At the Royal International Horse Show she was a little on the bright side, she behaved beautifully with me on the initial go round and we were pulled in top. Unfortunately with the judge she was a little unsettled and was a bit exhuberant so was rightly demoted to 5th.
Whalton Razzmatazz and Holly |
Holly has continued to ride Whalton Razzmatazz for Claire Cooper. She rode her at Area 4b in the small hack class which she won and then went on to be reserve champion. She then contested the large intermediate show riding type classes and finished 5th at Three Counties, 6th at BSPS ~Area 10 and then went on to the North of England Pony Show where they gained their HOYS qualification. Holly also rode a Novice Intermediate Hunter type for Charles Le Moignan at BSPS Area 10 and finished 3rd and then went on to be 2nd in the same type of class at the North of England Pony Show.
Cambridge was in flying form and qualified for all his young horse classes and the Novice Regional Finals. Unfortunately however much we try to protect our horses they will still have the upper hand, he came in one day having ripped off his shoe and half his foot along with it and was very very sore. This has unfortunately made him miss all his championships in July and we are still patiently waiting for it to heal and grow, so very frustrating. But we hope he will be up and running again soon.
Hopefully our good form will continue!